Why the Illawarra Must Come And See

There’s something powerful about finding something that everyone else is searching for. Growing up, collectibles were all the rage—like the elusive, holographic Pokémon cards or the limited-edition Tarzos from chip packets. The thrill of discovering something rare sparked excitement, and people would rush over when someone called, “Come and see!”

As adults, this desire to share amazing discoveries doesn’t fade. We love to tell others about the latest trend or helpful tip we’ve found. This same excitement resonates in the Bible. In John 1, as Jesus begins His ministry, people start to realise He may be the promised Messiah—the Saviour who would restore Israel and put everything right. His followers, filled with excitement, call out, “We have found Him! Come and see!”

To the Israelites, the Messiah meant restoration and judgment, freeing them from Roman oppression. But Jesus was far more than they expected. Instead of political freedom, He offered freedom from the oppression of sin. Paul writes in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and the consequence is death (Rom. 6:23). Yet Jesus’ coming means hope, redemption, freedom and new eternal life for all who put their faith in Him.

The Hope for the Illawarra outreach next March is our chance to call our Friends and family and local Dapto community to “come and see” Jesus. As people transformed by His grace, we know the beauty of the forgiveness and new life He offers. This is what we want our friends and neighbours to experience.

In the months leading up, we have time to build and invest in relationships. Let’s take every opportunity to connect with those around us, from other school parents to colleagues and social groups. Invite them to our Carols Service on December 1st and our evangelistic series in January. Let’s share the life-changing message of Jesus—not just for today but for eternity. We have found him! Come and see!

Rev. Matt Goodman (Assistant Minister)


Uncertainty is uncomfortable


Why the Illawarra Needs Hope