Cambodian Partnership

The prodigal son has returned from his wanderings in Cambodia. Its good to be back. But it was good to go too. For two weeks in January I taught an intensive at Phnom Penh Bible School (PPBS). I taught a theology class that I had previously taught. One of my goals during this class was to show the value of the textbook we were using. J.I Packer’s Concise Theology has been translated into Khmer by the Principal of PPBS, Vuthy Son. It is the gold standard of Khmer theological resources at present.

My goal was not only to teach them about the person of Christ and his work of salvation, but also to guide them and introduce them to this great book so that beyond their studies they may continue to mine this resource as they minister, often in isolated provinces all over Cambodia. My class finished in a timely manner that coincided with PPBS’s graduation with 23 graduates including their first cohort of the Masters program, with three graduates awarded this degree. It was a wonderful celebration.

Praise God for how he is at work through PPBS and His church in Cambodia. PPBS also gives thanks to you, Dapto Anglican, for your partnership expressed in sending me their to continue teaching. They are thankful to God for your generosity to them in this way. My trip there is thus, the beginning of a wonderful partnership in the gospel with our Khmer brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless them and us through this partnership in His work.

Rev Craig McCorkindale
Senior Assistant Minister


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