Who Prayed for You?
Looking back, I often wonder how many people were praying for me before I was saved by Jesus. If I had to guess, I’d say at least four—but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were many more. I was a young guy, stubborn and vocal about my disbelief in God, heaven, hell, or even souls. And yet, God was at work, using the prayers of faithful people to soften my heart and bring me to Him. I’m so grateful for every one of them.
I wonder—who prayed for you? Who were the people who asked God that you would know Jesus, grow in love and knowledge of Him, and share in the joy they had in Him?
Since my conversion, I’ve prayed for many people. I remember my last workplace before Bible college—I was the only Christian there. It was tough. But I prayed for my colleagues and for opportunities to share Jesus. Those moments came when I least expected them.
Prayer is a crucial part of seeing the lost become found. There are so many people we deeply love and long to share Jesus with. But we can’t change their hearts—only God can. That’s why prayer is the first step.
This Sunday, the 16th is Come and See Sunday. At each service, we’ll write down five names of people we long to see come to Christ—friends, family, and those we know from ministries like Play Patch, Empty Nesters and Creative Connection, who regularly join us at these ministry events but not at church.
Can you imagine 1,500 names of people we will pray over each Sunday leading up to Hope for the Illawarra? Can you imagine 1,500 people we know and love hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ? Can you imagine seeing those people sitting among us on a Sunday, worshipping our great God? Can you imagine those people transformed for eternity?
Let’s be faithful in prayer, trusting that God is already at work in their lives, and boldly invite them to come and see Jesus. Who are the five you will pray for?
Rev. Matthew Goodman