Servant Leadership

I recently listened to an audiobook, Unpolished Gem, by Alice Pung. It linked the green “walking man” at traffic lights as a sign of a government that cares for its people and seeks the common good. This idea of leadership as service has its roots in Jesus’ life and death when he said, ‘The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many’ (Mk 10:45). Leadership as service is a radical idea that has, in some cases, lost its radicalness in our understanding and execution of such a concept.

Chris Watkin, in Biblical Critical Theory, notes, ‘[w]e take it for granted today that our government “ministers” ... should serve our best interests and are at fault when they do not: another sign that the Christian revolution has been complete’ (pg. 387). As we head towards our Annual General Meeting (Sunday 16th March) and nominate leaders for various roles in our church, their key personal characteristics must that they follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Our Lord and Saviour led, not by having his feet washed, but by washing his disciples’ feet. As the good shepherd, he laid down his life that we might have life to the full (Jh. 10:10). Let’s give thanks for the many leaders of Dapto in the past who have led by serving and pray that this servant leadership may be the goal and vision of those leaders we elect for the coming year.

By Rev. Craig McCorkindale (Senior Assistant Minister)


Post AGM Observations


Working Bee Theology